King’s Academy Northern Parade
Annual Equality Statement
How are King’s Academy Northern Parade meeting the Equality Duty?
We have:
- Ensured that, as a site across that we are fully accessible, with the inclusion of accessible toilets and hygiene facilities.
- Worked with our Trust wide HR to ensure that all policies are compliant with all relevant legislation including the Equality Act and Duty.
- Reviewed the provision of our curriculum, not just in PSHE and RSE but other elements within this that promote tolerance and understanding of cultures, lifestyles and abilities.
We are:
- Consistently monitoring the academic progress, attainment and performance of pupils within specific groups, SEND, Disadvantaged, Gender, EAL.
We are committed to:
- Ensuring we have policies in place regarding equal opportunities. This will include SEND, Behaviour, Anti-Bullying, Race and Gender Equality
- Ensuring that the needs of students who have special needs or disabilities are met, through the recruitment of specialist staff when required
- Ensuring that the needs of staff and students with any particular characteristics are fully met
- Ensuring that the Academy’s Accessibility Plan is implemented
- Ensuring that staff’s needs are met by ensuring that policies regarding equal opportunities, staff code of conduct, recruitment and selection are implemented
- We continually monitor staff and student welfare, providing support when required.
Further Information regarding this can be found in our Equality Information and Objectives Policy.