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School Organisation

At Northern Parade Schools we believe in grouping children according to their age. Each year team creates a highly productive learning environment where children have a registration group with a qualified teacher who ensures they have a good sense of belonging. Each class has a maximum of 30 pupils in the Infants and 32 in the Juniors. Teachers, Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Teaching Assistants work as a team to provide personalised learning to all pupils as well as drawing on the strengths of individual adults. It is the responsibility of teachers to plan for their Year Group to ensure progression and continuity across both schools. Year teams are supported throughout the school in a variety of ways. The school employs a specialist PE, Dance, Music and Science teacher who work with individual classes, following the 2016 National Curriculum. We engage local and national visitors with individual expertise to enhance the experience for our children, this includes Dr Collins our Eco Ranger and Mrs Fair and Healthy Mind, Healthy Body expert.

Transition into Northern Parade Infant School

Children are admitted in September at the beginning of the school year in which they are 5 years old. A pre-admission programme is followed, which includes visits into school as well as visits by the Early Years staff to our feeder Pre-Schools and a home visit (with Parents’ permission) in July. This programme has been designed to ensure your child’s smooth transition into school. The School’s Admissions Policy can be downloaded from the School website and can be found at the back of this prospectus for your information. Application packs are available from the Portsmouth Education Authority Admissions Team, telephone 023 9268 8008 or alternatively e-mail admissions on:

Transfer to Junior School

Although we work as a virtual Primary, when your child is in Year 2 you will need to apply for a place at the Junior School. We would like all our infant children that hand in an application form on time, to be successful in transferring to the junior school. Application packs are available from the Portsmouth Education Authority Admissions Team, telephone 023 9268 8008 or alternatively e-mail admissions on: