Week 9
Where is the time going?
This week in English, we have continued with Fables. We have made changes to the class Fable to make it our own. The children then used their writing skills they have learnt to write our new Fable. The children came up with this lots of ideas. To end the week the children have planned out their own Fable story.
In maths, the children have been solving addition problems using a blank number line. The children have shown great resilience when using this method.
In topic, we have been recapping Florence Nightingale. The class came up with a class poster of all the information they could remember about her. They then recorded the information in their own way. I was amazed at how much they had remembered.
We have been working incredibly hard on our performance. The children can not wait to show you all. Thank you for all the costumes coming in.
Miss Strange