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Our aim is to nurture, inspire and equip children with the scientific knowledge
needed to help them to develop their scientific knowledge through high-quality
Science Curriculum. By making use of our locality, our children are able to explore
aspects of Science relevant to our local area. We want our children to become
Master’s of Science so that they are motivated to pursue Science beyond Primary

Children are taught through engaging and motivating Science lessons. These build
on prior knowledge, and explore the realms of “working scientifically” whilst
embedding the content of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Teaching Science in this
way ensures children are able to develop breadth and depth in their knowledge and
skills, whilst also being exposed to a broad and varied Science Curriculum.

For each domain, the key skills and knowledge are planned carefully so that the
progression through each year group across the school can be seen. Progression in
this way ensures that the sequence of lessons will build upon and develop previous
knowledge and skills in a cyclical fashion. This is based on experiencing all five
types of enquiry: observation over time, identifying and classifying, pattern seeking,
research and comparative and fair testing, in each year group

Children are motivated to grow into budding young scientists who link what they
learn with the world they live in. By explicitly teaching the scientific vocabulary, the
children have the opportunity to explore the quality and variety of language.This
develops their ability to articulate scientific concepts clearly and precisely whilst
understanding that science is a discipline in its own right.

Our approach to the Science Curriculum results in a fun, engaging and high-quality
Science education where they are encouraged to become scientists. By drawing
links between the Science curriculum and the wider world, teachers are able to
revisit misconceptions and knowledge gaps, enabling the children to make good
progress over time.