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Welcome to Year 2!

Your head of year is: 


Mrs Saunders

As a School we strive to create a love of learning in children and a sense of curiosity about the world around them. We are committed to providing a safe, secure, happy and caring environment which ensures that all children have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.




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Useful website links from our teachers

A successful home and School partnership is vital to help your child progress and achieve throughout their School lives. With this in mind, please find below some links that will help reinforce what your child has been learning at School from home…

Link How it is helpful
Bitesize A place to find study guides for primary and secondary as well as classroom clips.
Book Trust The UK's largest children's reading charity. Each year we reach 3.4 million children across the UK with books, resources and support.
Bug Club Bug Club is the solution for your reading needs, whatever they might be. With flexible packages for Independent Reading, Guided Reading, and ongoing assessment, with a blended approach to suit all schools and all ages, Bug Club is shown to work.
KS2 Bitesize

Key Stage 1 is a phase of primary education for pupils aged 5 to 7 in England, or 6 to 8 in Northern Ireland.

Oxford Owl Packed with expert advice, top tips and activity ideas so you can help your child with reading and maths.
Purple Mash Made for schools who want a wide and varied approach to computing,
Purple Mash is the simple learning environment that does it all.
Words for Life Words for Life is the National Literacy Trust’s website for parents. Visit our main website for literacy news, support for schools and more information about our work.