Parental consent for activities at Northern Parade Schools
Trips and visits which
involve a
coach/minibus trip
You will always receive a letter well in advance of these, giving details of the trip and
asking for a voluntary contribution of money to cover the cost and also for parental help.
The children are always carefully supervised with appropriate adult to child ratio. Are you happy for your child to leave the school premises on such occasions?
For such trips, we will require to have your child’s data on paper offsite. All data will be
handled in accordance with the school’s Data Protection Policy.
outside the school
grounds and visiting
local amenities and
There are occasions where the children may need to leave the school premises to visit the
local area. The children are always carefully supervised with appropriate adult to child
ratio. Are you happy for your child to leave the school premised on such occasions? (either
walking or by minibus)
For such occasions, we will require to have your child’s data on paper offsite. All data will
be handled in accordance with the school’s Data Protection Policy.
Medicines and
If your child suffers from asthma, please supply the school with an in-date inhaler, clearly
marked with their name to be kept in their classroom and taken with them on school trips.
Occasionally live animals are brought into school to give the children real life experiences.
When the children handle animals we ensure that their hands are well washed afterwards.
Are you happy for your child to participate in such activities?
Internet Use
Are you happy for your child to use the internet (under close supervision by a member of
staff) to support the curriculum in the classroom and in the ICT suite? He children will
always be supervised, only relevant children’s internet sites are used, and children will not
have access to any personal e-mails.
Gardening Activities
Part of exploring the outdoor environment will involve handling soil and plants. We will
ensure that children wash their hands afterwards. Are you happy for your child to
participate in such activities?
Food/Food allergies
Cooking is an important part of the curriculum and children also taste foods as part of
their learning. Are you happy for your child to participate in such activities?
Could you and your child please complete the home school agreement and return to school.
I agree to keep the school informed of any change in contact details as they occur (including changes in mobile
phone numbers) of parents/family/friends identified as emergency contacts.
I also agree to keep the school informed of any changes of any medical conditions/treatment affecting my child
where appropriate.
Thank you for reading and completing these forms.
For information on how we use your data, and your rights under the General Data Protection Regulations, please click