End of Term
Welcome to Pythons class last blog of 2019! It might have been the end of our term but we've still been working hard making sure we're on top of our new maths skills and finishing up our topic and English work.
On Tuesday afternoon we had our 'Parade Fest' festival to celebrate all of our achievements and what makes us who we are. The children had an fantastic afternoon meeting a real unicorn, jumping on the trampolines, dancing and playing games, getting 'henna' tattoos, singing karaoke and generally partying their socks off!
Wednesday was our return trip from India where we took the opportunity to reflect on what we'd learned and how grateful we are for what we have in Britain.
Thursday was sports day and saw Millie and Liam awarded for their sportsmanship and determination on the day. For cheering on others and trying their hardest.
Well done everyone on a fantastic year and I look forward to seeing you all in year five on Monday!