Week 8
Our star of the week this week has been Sophia - well done for setting a great example to the class.
Polar bears have had another fun filled week with lots of time to be creative and problem solve.
In English, the children have enjoyed writing their version of 'The boy who cries wolf' and have been using their writing skills to develop their stories. We have used talk for write to help us remember the story and used actions for each sentence.
We have continued to explore problems in maths and we have looked at shape and position and direction. They have enjoyed learning about direction and they used to directions to tell their friends where to go.
In shared reading the children write questions to ask Grandma from George's marvellous medicine. They also read a recipe and created an image from what they had read.
We also explored this idea in art where the children read a setting description and then created an image from their own perspective.
We also had a topic day where the children created things for the show and practised songs and dances that they will be performing.
Have an enjoyable weekend and remember homework is due in on Monday. We have had some lovely pieces handed in already. Well done.
Mrs Saunders.