Week 8
We have been busy once again in Koala Class,
At the end of the week we had to say a goodbye to Miss Roberts and Miss Holgate who have now finished their teaching placement with us. We have loved having them with us and will miss them lots but wish them the beat of luck.
In English, we have been writing the fable ‘The Boy who cried Wolf’. The children used the story map and actions to help them remember the sentences and structure. When have then begun to change our story map to make the story our own. The children came out with great ideas.
In maths, we have been continuing with our problem solving and exploring directions. The children had to direct a partner to a certain point using specific directions which included left, right, anti clockwise and clockwise. The thoroughly enjoyed this. To end the week the children had to direct George to his lab use the correct language, ensuring they did not crash into any obstacles.
The children have been very creative this week. We have been making props ready for our performance soon. We have also been using our imagination skills by creating an image from a piece of text using different art mediums.
Keep up the great work!
Miss Strange