At King’s Academy Northern Parade, our aim is to provide a high quality, physical education program which allows children to take part in a wide range of physical activities, engage in competitive sports and learn about and live a healthy and active life. As children move through the school, there is a clear progression of the skills that they will learn within each year group building on previous learning. By the time children leave KANP; they will learn about and take part in a wide range of different team sports, develop their strength, body control and flexibility through dance and athletics, learn more about healthy living and why exercise is important. Children will also take part in swimming lessons during their time at school which are taught by staff within the school with a ratio of 1 adult to 5 children. Our PE curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
The national curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils:
develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
are physically active for sustained periods of time
engage in competitive sports and activities
lead healthy, active lives
At KANP, children are encouraged to take part in a wide range of physical activities. The intention is every child receives two hours of physical education each week.
In addition to the physical activity within curriculum time, we offer a range of sports club and we also aim to take part in a wide range of sporting competitions across the city
We have used our Sports Premium Funding in many different ways to help improve our teaching of PE. We have purchased a wide range of sporting equipment to allow the children to take part in a range of sports, bought in to a PE planning scheme that allows teachers to teach with confidence and finally have used the money to allow children to take part in activities that they would not be able to access outside of school. Currently our Year 4s have a climbing experience and our Year 5s take part in water sports activities. We have also had our most recent sports day at the local athletic stadium allowing children the chance to compete on a real track. This is an area we want to continue to develop across the school by ensuring that children leave KANP with a range of different experiences.
Each half term the focus of each PE lesson is different; It may be the teaching of a team sport where children learn the skills needed for that sport before moving on to playing team games or a half term focusing on learning different skills of movement or control within athletics, dance or gymnastics. At KANP, we want to continue to provide opportunities for our staff to develop and offer a range of CPD including a cricket coach coming in to work with Year 4 staff.
With a rising level of obesity nationally we have a focus on improving children’s health, fitness and future life chances. In order to maintain our aim to build resilient and well-rounded children, we actively promote inter school competitions and encourage opportunities to continue outside of school by signposting to sports clubs.