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Our aim is to provide a high-quality Personal Development Learning education which equips children with the knowledge and skills to develop socially and emotionally to fulfil their potential. The Personal Development Learning (PDL) curriculum is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education, drawing on our dragon values of teamwork, creativity, challenge, independence, safety and resilience. PDL is the term that encompasses the new statutory Relationships and Health Education as well as bringing together spiritual development, emotional literacy, our school values, learning behaviours, British Values, social skills and knowledge of the wider world. 

At King’s Academy Northern Parade our PDL lessons are based around our Personal Social Health and Economic Education (PSHE) SCARF programme and My Happy Mind programme. 

SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) is a comprehensive scheme of work for PSHE, RSE and Wellbeing education. The SCARF scheme is mapped to the DfE PSHE Association Programmes of Study to provide a whole-school approach to promoting positive behaviour, safety, achievement and wellbeing, and is in line with our school values.  Teachers follow the six suggested half-termly units and adapt the scheme of work where necessary to meet the local circumstances of our school.

The SCARF programme divides the year into 6 themed units: 

  • Me and My Relationships: includes content on feelings, emotions, conflict resolution and friendships;

  • Valuing Difference: a focus on respectful relationships and British values;

  • Keeping Myself Safe: looking at keeping ourselves healthy and safe;

  • Rights and Responsibilities: learning about money, living the wider world and the environment;

  • Being My Best: developing skills in keeping healthy, developing a growth mindset (resilience), goal-setting & achievement;

  • Growing & Changing: finding out about the human body, the changes that take place from birth to old age and being safe.

At King’s Academy Northern Parade, pupils are able to use the skills they have learnt to demonstrate a deeper understanding of what it takes to become a positive member of society. They will know the meaning and importance of our school values and the essential requirements for the development of positive relationships. We seek to ensure that the PDL that we teach, improves the physical, social, and mental well-being of pupils. Through our SCARF lessons and our My Happy Mind teaching, we believe that we can enhance children’s education and help them to become caring, respectful, aspirational and confident individuals. Further to this, we strive for all pupils at King’s Academy Northern Parade to have:

•   the knowledge, self-esteem, confidence and self-awareness to make informed choices and decisions
•   made significant in the development of social skills and social awareness
•   a sense of their own personal and social experiences
•   a responsible attitude towards the maintenance of good physical and mental health, supported by a safe and healthy lifestyle
•    effective interpersonal relationships and developed a caring attitude towards others
•    a caring attitude towards and responsibility for the environment
•    developed skills to manage their feelings, build resilience and be independent, curious problem solvers
•    understood how society works and the laws, rights and responsibilities involved.

The science-backed My Happy Mind programme helps to prepare our pupils for tomorrow’s world by building resilient, balanced and happy minds.