As pupils enter Foundation Stage they are introduced to phonics which allows them to read
simple books and begin to write words. Throughout the school we use the cued articulation
approach which focusses on correct pronunciation and understanding of how each sound is
made. Phonics is supported by Essential Letters and Sounds scheme to ensure a range of
approaches to engage all learners and consolidation across the phase. In EYFS and KS1,
phonics is taught daily and usually include a ‘learning to apply’ in each session. It is a
statutory requirement that each child completes the Phonics Screening Check towards the end
of Year 1. If they do not meet the expected standard, they will receive further intervention
and are reassessed in Year 2. In lower KS2, children recap phonic knowledge weekly as part
of their English sessions and some children receive phonic interventions where necessary to
support their development of spelling, reading and writing.
At our school we use a shared reading approach to encourage a positive attitude, confidence
as well as interest. Throughout these sessions a range of reading and vocabulary skills are
taught through texts that are usually linked with our current topics. In EYFS, KS1 & KS2
children work through a colour-banded scheme to show progress until they become ‘free
readers’. Children take home colour-banded books to embed reading skills at home, our home
reading is supported by ‘Oxford Reading Buddy’; where eBooks encourage children to read
and answer questions. There are a wide range of schemes for children to choose from such as
Oxford Reading Tree, Rigby Star and Collins Big Cat. In order to support the children’s
reading journey we ask that children read at least 5 times a week. We offer a range of
incentives across our key stages to raise the importance of reading at home too. To support
our assessment of children’s reading teachers hear children read individually every fortnight
and record their skills shown on a running record and in their home reading log. To help close
reading gaps across the school we use Rigby Star phonic support books and have focus reader
time allocations. To encourage children’s independent reading choices each child visits the
innovation space and library once a fortnight to take home a book of their choice and explore
other reading materials. We work closely with the school library service whereby we ensure
our children are reading the most up to date texts.
We expose our children to a range of writing opportunities and teach them the key skills they
need in order to become confident writers. Our children have handwriting sessions in EYFS
and KS1 where they learn how to correctly form their letters in a cursive script, we use
‘Letter Join’ to support our teaching. By the time children leave EYFS most are able to write
words, captions and simple sentences. Across the school children are given lots of
opportunities to practise writing and apply skills independently. At King’s Academy
Northern Parade we use recognise the importance of spoken language, vocabulary and the
need to internalise texts. We use the Pie Corbett ‘Talk for Write’ structure of explore, build
and apply. The teaching of English is led through text rich, purposeful, well developed
learning journeys, where all children are challenged and supported to reach their full
potential. In writing, teachers plan and teach learning journeys with a clear written outcome
using the three-step approach to writing (stimulate and generate; capture, sift and sort and
create, refine, evaluate.) This journey is designed to show progress, teach the pertinent year
group objectives, apply and consolidate these skills and develop vocabulary.
Within a term each child is encouraged to write independently, this is then assessed and used
to inform progress, planning and teaching. The amount of individual writing opportunities
progressively increase in upper school to ensure a variation of genres and range of purpose
and audiences. After each piece children are pupil - conferenced which aims to celebrate
what they have done well and next step set with the child. Writing across all key stages is
moderated as a whole school, within year groups and at cluster moderation events.
Our spelling curriculum is taught within our phonics and SPAG lessons (Year Two & KS2).
Children are taught to spell phonetically and make phonetically plausible attempts where appropriate. In KS1 and KS2 pupils are taught the common exception words that link to their
phase. These are also displayed around the classroom and accessible on tables for children to
use. In EYFS children are taught to read and write the pink and red key words that are part of
the 100 high frequency words. In KS1 and KS2 we aim to teach spelling in an active way
which also incorporates etymology, morphology and syntax rules.